Thursday, October 25, 2012

...To Get Me Across A Finish Line. BY KIWI

I'm Kiwi.
I'm writing this.

Kasha says to tell you she is writing fitness plans for clients, but she is really drinking coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

So I will tell you about The Big Crash.

We came home from Athens on Monday. On Tuesday morning, Kasha had one last long run with a client before tapering for November-race. About 5 miles in, his feet sounded funny and she looked at them. His feet were dragging because he was tired. For 6 weeks they have been running, and never less than 12 miles a week. Today they were running 15.5. Like, all at once. So of course his feet were dragging! But he picked them up. Then a few miles later, Kasha dragged her feet. But she dragged them over bricks that were pointed up. That was stupid. That was The Big Crash.


Kasha fell down. 

Kasha fell down at 5 miles per hour.

But it doesn't take a lot of speed to go Boom. Fortunately, she was wearing pants instead of shorts. She changed her outfit that day to keep her quads compressed while she recovered from Sunday's race. Well, her pants were shredded and one hand kinda cut up. But she & her client were already heading to a bathroom break, and she didn't feel broken, so they kept running. There was a lot of blood, but her knee didn't seem to hurt. So they finished the run. 

All 15.5 miles of it. 

You know what is coming next.

Kiwi uploads:

So those are all icky and gross, but what did Kasha do?

Kept running!!

That was on Tuesday. And on Wednesday, she ran a 5k with a client, Thursday did another 5k with a client, then a 3.75 run to map a possible race route for gym-work. And tomorrow she runs with another client!

But she is taking care of her knee and it looks bad but does not hurt inside. She says, "I couldn't race next weekend on a sprain, but I can race on ugly!"

Here is one more picture of happy Kasha after coffee-time with her ugly racing knee.

Kiwi uploads:



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