Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kiwi Helps

Sometimes Kasha runs and sometimes she triathlons. Today she triathloned. It goes run-shower-sleep. She is still doing the sleep part, so I will help her and do the blog part.

My name is Kiwi. I don't know when I was born. I was 'dopted in August, so my birthday is before Kasha's but she says she is still older than me. I have a last name, too. But I didn't tell her. Taper. It is Kiwi Taper. But the kids she watches call me "Fone." That's funny because I am not a Fone, I am a Kiwi. 

Today is Sunday. On Saturday, we are having Kasha's birthday and driving to Athens, Georgia. That's where she went to college. But she finished that and on Saturday we are going there to run. Sunday morning is the AthHalf Half Marathon, benefiting AthFest. She's super excited to walk around her old school, visit some friends, and run. She also promised whirl pool and pizza. PIZZA!!!

I know we are supposed to run faster than the last time she was there, but we also have November Race in two weeks, so it will be a balance-act. Fast, but not get hurt fast. These are the first two races for her Every Month For a Year Run Stuff. And on Tuesday she will run 14 miles again with a training client. She's good at that, but that's a whole lot of miles between us and next year.

Maybe she will buy me new clothes so I can run with her and not get sweaty. I will ask for that after coffee-time. She is always happy after coffee-time.

I have to go before she wakes up.

I'm not really supposed to play on the 'puter when she sleeps, but I think she will be happy I did the blog part for her.


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