Thursday, October 11, 2012

And Then Emperor Kasha Named Her Companion Kiwi...

So I mentioned that I work as a personal trainer. That's part of this story as well. It took me months to figure out "what to do next" once I realized my old career track wasn't going to cut it. July 1st, I had it! I love running, I will teach other people to run and get paid for it! Woo hoo! So I researched certification options and settled on one. It would take me the next month to save the necessary money. By the 1st of August I had the money and ordered the certification packet. It arrived on the 7th. 34 sections broken down into 7 quizzes and a final exam. The packet explained that most people take 8 weeks to complete the course and have the option of up to 8 months from purchase date. The day before tri-day, I completed one section. Tri-day, I didn't do anything. Sunday, 7 sections. Hmmm... this stuff seems to come naturally. Monday, 16 sections. Tuesday, 10 sections. This was supposed to take 2 months, but I never missed more than a single question per section, so I kept going. The final was next. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I studied and wrote. I sent off the last section of the final Friday morning and took the kids I was watching out to lunch. Through the wonders of cyberspace, Kiwi began to beep as soon as we got back to the house and he had a wireless connection.

I'd passed.

I'd passed and the board was impressed with my speed and accuracy. In a moment of shock, I printed out the email, just so they couldn't take it back! I passed! They said it, no backsies! Now they needed a copy of my CPR certification and my "diploma" would be on the way.


I found a CPR course offered at a local hospital the following Friday. Then the panic set in. At first, I'd prepared myself for 2 months of work. 8 days later I was turning in the final exam. A little unease... So then I prepared myself for a weekend of not worrying about my score as I probably wouldn't hear anything for a few days, at least. Hours later, I'm rereading emails to make sure they say what they seem to say. I've passed. A lot more unease... It was happening so quickly! So next on the "get paid to run" schedule is CPR course and resume writing. I spend the weekend at Starbucks swimming in venti iced white mocha awesomeness and trying to convince myself that it's okay to take the weekend off. I may have cleaned the house or something. The following week, I pieced together a resume of athletic undertakings and read a lot. It's hard to slow down as I have that habit of being "On" all the time. Which leads to checking a lot of email. Which leads to a particular email informing me of a half marathon that Saturday (Aug 25th) 45 minutes from where I'm staying.

I wasn't even looking for it! It came to me!

The Milestone Half Marathon and 10K is put on by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes as a checkpoint run. It is two months before the Savannah Rock and Roll Marathon and gives runners a chance to check their progress. Progress? I've run twice since the triathlon and not more than 30 minutes at a time. I'm not a fast runner, so a half marathon takes me 2.5 hours to complete. Should I consider signing up?

Is the sky blue?

...I signed up faster than you finished reading that 4 word rhetorical right there.

So quick recap:
July 1-31 Save money!
August 1-7 (Wed-Tues) Wait on certification packet.
August 8-11 (Wed-Sat) Sign up and complete triathlon.
August 12-18 (Sun-Sat) Complete certification process.
August 19-23 (Sun- Thurs) Sign up for CPR & half marathon. And run. Once.

Also, Kiwi wants me to point out that today is 10-11-12.
Seeing as he's part computer, he has a certain fascination with numbers. 

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