Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Virtual Insanity

May's race was my first virtual race. This means you complete your event where you are and turn in your time online.
I had 2 goals:
Finish the marathon distance again.
Finish it alone.

I planned to run the first Saturday in May. This was 6 days after the Diva Half. But I wanted it over with! I planned to meet up with a group of other runners at Rails to Trails, where we ran the ultra.

That didn't happen.

Saturday was pouring rain and windy.

No. Just, no.

I whined and slept all day.

Sunday was pouring rain and windy.

No. Just no again.

I drank coffee.

I listened to music.

I put on my running shoes.

....I took off.

Out the door and down every street I could use, I made 3 miles before I got to Boston Runner's house, which is only half a mile if you run it directly. It was still misty, but the clouds were holding off the heat. Hour one saw 5 miles done and the first water break.

Hour 2 was 5 more miles and the next break. The sun was starting to come out. By mile 15 I hurt. Electrolyte imbalance again. I checked Kiwi, who had a message from my crew to call if I needed anything. It was 2 more miles to my next stop, so I ate a pepto bismol tab and hoped it had sodium in it. At the next stop, I ate a salt packet and refilled my water bottle. I called my mom who met me at the next stop with pedisure. We like pedisure. I stopped for a full ten minutes and whined. That helped! The sun was hurting, everything hurt. But if I could do this on my own, I'd be unstoppable in training for September's race. The next miles were choppy. I could run, but the ache in my legs and chest wouldn't quit. The miles left got smaller and smaller, so I kept moving. When I got to 2.5, I texted Boston Runner to whine some more. She texted back and I just, well, kept going. After that last 2.5, I cried. I've never cried after (or during) a race, as I'm usually too drained. I don't know where it came from or why. But as much as my legs hurt, my feet were fine! Such a relief after Atlanta!

I turned in my time to the directors and went home.

Another one done, leaving only 1/3 of The Year of Marathons to go!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Thought You Said "Rum"

Usually, I'm the one yelling at Kiwi. Today it was turned around.

He tends to sit quietly while I do (or don't do) whatever I'm up to. But today he kinda lost it over my lack of updates. Allegedly, 3 classes, 10 client hours, 5 kids for 15 hours a week, running, and being in the paper don't cut it. For him, it is all about run-blog-run. So today, despite the fact that I've run 7 miles and worked out with clients, I am at the computer, unshowered, typing updates. Because Kiwi has a pretty mean glare.

So first, the Diva Half in April. This is a story best told in pictures.

First, Ultra Crew made tutus.

They were awesome!

For Kiwi, too.

Then we went to Myrtle Beach and got ready. I packed Gu and eyeliner. My sister packed wine. The packet pick up was horrible. The size medium shirt would have fit a teddy bear. And the "Diva Coach?" Some pretty boy who suggested runners not drink water. But back to the picture story...

That is SO a to-go cup at the start line!

At the start line, I lined up for the half marathon while Tiffany planned her 5k wine-walk. Off we go! I dodged divas and other tutus while Tiffany taunted the spectators with 3 miles of "Are you guys drinking coffee? ....I'm not!"

Even her walk pace had her finishing under an hour. I ran and enjoyed the scenery. In this case that was groups of daddies trying to corral their kids and homemade "Go Mommy!" signs, along with the single guys who set up Lemonade for Divas stands. A special shout out to the dad/uncle/next door neighbor who ran with the 15 year old girl in matching tutus and pink tech shirts while wearing a fuel belt for both. Sir, I do not know if you planned it from the beginning or were stepping up for someone who couldn't be there; but you win Male Role Model of the Year. ...you reminded me of my dad.

I finished with an unimpressive 2:21:35 and we went to find one of our friends who also ran (and PR'ed! GO NINA!!!!). From that point, it was back to the hotel to remove feather boas and tiaras. Oh yeah, Miss Walk'n'Wine? This was her at 10am:

....once she recovers, you can expect a guest post (Yeah!!!!!!) covering her race.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kiwi Gets Angry

Kasha has certainly been ignoring her blogging duties lately, so I will fix things. Today, I will show you why she is slacking off.

She is busy being famous. She was in the newspaper again. Twice. See?

Here's the first one.

Kasha Being In The Paper. Again. 

Then she was in a whole other paper in a whole other state. 

Kasha in Bluffton Today 

Well, I would be happy, but this blog is not for newspapering. It is for RUNNING! And she has done that. There have been 2 (TWO!!!!!) races since she updated. That is bad. Very, very bad. But since she is off thinking she is a superstar, I will recap the races. So thanks for sticking around. In the meantime, go see her articles and videos and enjoy those.

....and when I say "enjoy" I mean make popcorn and laugh a lot. I sure did.