Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kiwi Counts To 520 AND A HALF

Is Kiwi. You know that, cause my post aura is good. So you just know.

What in the world are you talking about??

Don't you got some miles to run?


Or a shower. You kinda smell like you got some miles already run.

Okay, I know when I'm not wanted.

She did already run some miles. Kasha ran 520 AND A HALF miles since November. She's doing that thing where she runs all the days.

All. The. Days!

There are 250 days she has run including with kids next to her and on bikes and in strollers. She has run in parking lot circles and trails and rest stops when we came to Lolorado and in the snow and rain and sun and at night time. She ran in races and alone and with other people. She ran when she broke her face on the car door and when her legs hurt from the day before. Some days it was really hard for her to even go a mile (because she never goes less than a mile) and some days she went sooooo far because she felt good. She ran in jeans and a sweater one time with no pony tail holder, and other times with make up.

Kasha is not good at doing things just "sometimes." She is good at all-the-time things (like running all the days) and none-of-the-time things (like she just quit drinking all the things except water and didn't mess up even once, even for coffee).

So now we celebrate day 250 and mile 520 AND A HALF and get ready for tomorrow.

She will run for 115 more days because she says that makes a whole year. Then I don't know if she will keep running all the days or switch to just some of them.

What do you think? Should we call it a day at the end of the year or run until we run all the miles?

Let us know in the comments.


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