Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dog Days 5k Recap

Two weekends ago Kiwi and I ran the All Out Multisport 5k. We've been working hard to get back under a 30 minute 5k, and we did it! 29:07 is about 2 minutes slower than our sea-level PR (9:24/mile), but certainly a move in the right direction. On top of that, I was 6th out of 30 in the 30-39 women's age group, 20th out of all the women (there were 108), and 33rd out of everyone (158 runners all together). Yeah!

This was the first race we did that was free. So we've moved from paying to race, to free races, to hopefully (eventually) getting paid to race. Bitty baby steps!

Kiwi clocked me at an 8:33 the first mile, so we're hoping to improve the other 2 miles to match that. He also took some pictures. We put them below. We're headed out now to run and get ready for our next event at the end of August.



Finish Line!
One more push at the end.

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