Sunday, August 31, 2014

300 Days of Running

Recently, Kiwi and I celebrated our 300th day of running in a row. We've logged over 600 miles in that time for a daily average of 2-point-something. While some of those were just one-milers, others were half marathons and the equivalent distance (13.1 miles). Kiwi likes the days that we run early and he can cross it off our list. I certainly understand that. I usually agree with him. But I'm most proud of the days that were busy. 2 driving across the country, one running 10 miles from one city in Iowa to another while on a trip, the days I worked double shifts and got up before the sun to fit in the miles. Some were rainy, hot, humid, windy, snowy. Pretty much "all the weathers," as Kiwi would say. But we did it! Our next goal will be to hit a full year.

During that time, we'll also have another half marathon to add to what we've completed this year; including a 10k last weekend. And immediately following the 1 year mark, we'll have back-to-back races in Savannah and will find an event for Thanksgiving because we ALWAYS run on Thanksgiving morning.

In closing, here are 2 pictures from our 10k that Kiwi likes:

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