Saturday, July 12, 2014

Water, Water Everywhere

Kiwi touched the other day on how I'd swapped over to drinking only water. Having been in Colorado for 4 months now, that's probably the best improvement I could make for my running. The first 3 months saw me back at my beginner pace of 10 to 12 minutes per mile. I really couldn't manage must faster for any distance. Now, 2 weeks after going water-solo, 9 minutes per mile is normal again. I also don't have to carry water for runs less than an hour.

So for a few months, I going to focus on the shorter distance races (5k & 10k) and attempt new PRs. As of this morning, I was less than 3 minutes off my current 5k PR.

At the end of July, I'll be racing All Out Multisports again, as they've begun a volunteer for race entries program. This means if I help them do packet prep, I run for free. Love it!

I was going to write more, but Kiwi insists we continue with the "micro-blogging" for now. Did he make up that word? I haven't heard it before.

Also, he just walked by with a candelabra and can of spray paint, so like it or not; I need to go.


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