Friday, July 11, 2014

Cross Training with Kiwi (Or Kiwi Goes To Yoga)

Kiwi Found this pic at

Hello! Kasha here.

And Kiwi. I'm here too!

Yes- this is a duel post, so as a reminder- Kasha writes plain-


And those italics up there clearly belong to wonder-fone.

Since we finished yesterday's run in the morning, we went to yoga last night. My background is very Bikram (hot yoga), and Kiwi, well; Kiwi likes "animal poses." You wanna tell everyone what that means, Kiwi?

I like cats and cows and crocodiles and dogs and scorpions and butterflies and NOT warriors or happy babies or trees or mountains.

Why? Why do you like the animals and not the others? What's the difference?

Animals are better than everything. And I like to make the animal sound when I do the animal pose.

This is true. We got some weird looks on that one. But that's okay. Thanks to Kiwi's insistence that we run early, cross training happened! I don't think I've practiced yoga in over a year now, so the all-levels class was great for jumping back in. So, Kiwi- I think there's a boot camp style class tomorrow. You know, if we run early again.

Yeah. I got my camo and boots.

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