Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Morning, Noon, and Night

From Walk, Jog, Run

Kiwi is parked in front of the tv watching "How To Train Your Dragon." I told him it was a how-to manual type movie. He has a notepad and hasn't figured it out yet....

So today was the first time in a long time I've run before noon, or even night. Lately (meaning for about the past year,) running has occurred later and later in the day. 11pm was not an uncommon time for me to do laps. Today I got out there before noon and am glad I did. It was hot and a bit trying to maintain my steady-to-difficult pace, so I'm happy for the harder workout. Plus, as all the runners know; getting that run taken care of early on really opens up the day it such a different way from holding on until the evening.

What thing(s) do you find it easy to put off even though you KNOW the value of knocking them off the list early?

I'll be back later, Kiwi just waltzed by with an umbrella and book of matches and I don't know what that's all about.


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