Thursday, June 12, 2014

All The Things

Hi. Is Kiwi.


You say it "Colorado," Kiwi; not Lolorado.

Color. Like crayons? That's silly. Can't be right. Lolorado. We are there. And Kasha is still running every. single. day.

Like, all the days, at least a mile. She says she will do it until she turns 31. I think she will do it until she splats on her face.

Did that once. Didn't stop me.

In Lolorado they have races, too. We did one. They have white stuff, too. It is called "snow," and it makes the races cold. Kasha ran a race called "Spring Fever" because the people in Lolorado don't know how spring is supposed to go and she ran through the white stuff, up a mountain, back down a mountain, and was really super slow. That is because there is not enough air for all the runners at the top of the mountains, so it makes her slower. Then she slept for like, 2 days and only got up to, you guessed it- to run.

So then she flew to Raleigh, North Carolina where they did not have white snow or no-air mountains, but they did have their very first Rock and Roll half marathon and humidity. We like humidity because it is like South Georgia. When other runners ask why or how she is comfortable in the humidity, Kasha tells them she was born in a swamp. I don't know if that is true, but I know it was raining that day. Her sister Lily told me so.

At the Raleigh half marathon, Kasha had a good time (a fun time, not a fast time), and got a really shiny new medal. Then we flew back to Lolorado to move all our things into a new place. There's even a room with movies and books for me! 

Those aren't your things, Kiwi.


Next weekend, Kasha will run a race (here in Lolorado) called Summer Breeze and we will get to see if the people have fixed the snow or air on top of the mountains yet.

I found a picture of the snow-thing for you:
And this is a mountain. We run up one side, then down the other:
Maybe if I push her, she will go faster on the way down. Like a snowball.


Ooops. Gotta go be somewhere else.

Love Kiwi



  1. Hahaha... Lily remembered every detail!

  2. Yes Kiwi, It is true!! Not only was Kasha born in the swamp but she lived in a Log Cabin too!
