Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Interviewer Dan Catches Up With Kasha

Hi. Is Kiwi.
I'm soooo busy taking care of all the things Kasha is 'posed to take care of, but she just runs away. For real runs away. So I made all her resolutions get finished last year and wrote all her resolutions for this year. Then I tried to show them to her and guess what? ...she ran away. We already knew that would happen. 

But Dan is Kasha's friend and he is faster than Kasha. So he caught up with her and did this cool interview about her running. And I got to pet Mr Gypsy. That is Dan's dog and he is really for real one of the best dogs ever. I love Mr Gypsy. And I love Dan's article about Kasha. You can check it out here:

Rocking Runner of the Week

Also look around Dan's site, because he writes neat stuff about running, and dogs, and climbing up mountains, and he organizes big LONG races right in Savannah, and Dan just can't see obstacles. He makes cool things happen- LOOK AT HIS COOL THINGS!


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