Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Finish Line

When we last left off, Kiwi and I had just completed the Alien Half. Since then we've finished out The Year of Marathons!

3 more events have passed:

First, I went back and ran the Milestone Half that I first ran at the beginning of this blog. It was hot, it was humid, it was a much better time than last year. :)

Second, NEW PR! A few weeks ago, Tiffany and I were out running (okay, she was biking) and I beat my old 5k PR. Yeah! So I signed up for a 5K to get an official time on the books. Old PR: 28:06. New PR: 27:04. I was (am) VERY excited about this.

Third, Chase The Sun 6 Hour Ultra. I covered 12 laps in just over 6 hours for a 22.44 mile finish. The event itself was difficult (Hello, lack of training!), but it was one of the easiest recoveries I've had. It was also a great reminder of which distances are easy and enjoyable and which are not.

So having come full-circle with Milestone (the first event covered here), a new 5k PR, and another ultra, it is time to plan what to do next.

3 things:

First, my birthday event this year will celebrate 2 things. The beginning of a new age group (Goodbye 25-29!) and "Hello 30!" with a 10-20-30. 30 kilometers on the 20th of October. That's about 18.65 miles for those of you counting.

Second, I have 5 years to beat my old times in the following events: 5k, 10k, Half, Full, 50k, 6hr. I will NOT attempt all of these in the first year. I'll spread them out over the next age group.

Third, introducing Runs With Friends! A few people have expressed interest in training up to and running half marathons, and I'm going to run with them. Because I can, that's why. If you want in, let me know. Until then:

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