Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Virtual Insanity

May's race was my first virtual race. This means you complete your event where you are and turn in your time online.
I had 2 goals:
Finish the marathon distance again.
Finish it alone.

I planned to run the first Saturday in May. This was 6 days after the Diva Half. But I wanted it over with! I planned to meet up with a group of other runners at Rails to Trails, where we ran the ultra.

That didn't happen.

Saturday was pouring rain and windy.

No. Just, no.

I whined and slept all day.

Sunday was pouring rain and windy.

No. Just no again.

I drank coffee.

I listened to music.

I put on my running shoes.

....I took off.

Out the door and down every street I could use, I made 3 miles before I got to Boston Runner's house, which is only half a mile if you run it directly. It was still misty, but the clouds were holding off the heat. Hour one saw 5 miles done and the first water break.

Hour 2 was 5 more miles and the next break. The sun was starting to come out. By mile 15 I hurt. Electrolyte imbalance again. I checked Kiwi, who had a message from my crew to call if I needed anything. It was 2 more miles to my next stop, so I ate a pepto bismol tab and hoped it had sodium in it. At the next stop, I ate a salt packet and refilled my water bottle. I called my mom who met me at the next stop with pedisure. We like pedisure. I stopped for a full ten minutes and whined. That helped! The sun was hurting, everything hurt. But if I could do this on my own, I'd be unstoppable in training for September's race. The next miles were choppy. I could run, but the ache in my legs and chest wouldn't quit. The miles left got smaller and smaller, so I kept moving. When I got to 2.5, I texted Boston Runner to whine some more. She texted back and I just, well, kept going. After that last 2.5, I cried. I've never cried after (or during) a race, as I'm usually too drained. I don't know where it came from or why. But as much as my legs hurt, my feet were fine! Such a relief after Atlanta!

I turned in my time to the directors and went home.

Another one done, leaving only 1/3 of The Year of Marathons to go!


  1. Thanks so much Kasha! I think I have cried or come darn close to crying after every marathon. The first was happy crying. The others were that traumatic/holy crap/what just happened/what should I do with myself type of crying.

    Congrats and thank you for running our first racevirtually.com race!

    1. Tina!

      I got my medal today! Love it! Pictures to follow... Any chance the summer run will fall in July? I have my fingers crossed. Thanks for a great event!

