Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kiwi Gets Angry

Kasha has certainly been ignoring her blogging duties lately, so I will fix things. Today, I will show you why she is slacking off.

She is busy being famous. She was in the newspaper again. Twice. See?

Here's the first one.

Kasha Being In The Paper. Again. 

Then she was in a whole other paper in a whole other state. 

Kasha in Bluffton Today 

Well, I would be happy, but this blog is not for newspapering. It is for RUNNING! And she has done that. There have been 2 (TWO!!!!!) races since she updated. That is bad. Very, very bad. But since she is off thinking she is a superstar, I will recap the races. So thanks for sticking around. In the meantime, go see her articles and videos and enjoy those.

....and when I say "enjoy" I mean make popcorn and laugh a lot. I sure did.



  1. Wow! Nice article and information.
    Kiwi, what do you do when Kasha is
    doing her training?

    1. Sometimes I stay in bed and sleep. If Kasha is running I get to go with her and see how far it is. Sometimes I get to hold workouts for her and sometimes I sing her bad 80s rock REALLY loud so everyone will go faster and I can eat breakfast.

