Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Senator Kiwi Changes Plans, part 2

Hi there. 

It's still me, Kiwi.

So Kasha signed up for the Augusta Half and really, that part made sense. The timing and location where just right.

But Kasha has runner brain, and it works like this:

Some days go faster, some days go farther. 

Or like this: "I'll run for 2 hours!....wait! 50 laps is rigggghhhttt there.... wait! Half marathon around the corner.... Almost 2.5 hours."

This is how she ended up running the Ultra (31.5 miles) and how she does lots of things. know the thing about eating an elephant?

...Kasha's got that down.... just do little bitty bites. She does everything that way, and while it works, it really does; it also escalates trouble.

So here's what had happened next:

When Kasha ran Ultra Race, a lot of the volunteers were people who would be running a 6, 12, 24 hour event the second weekend of February. Don't worry... she's not running that, but probably only because she didn't find out about it in time... She's gonna volunteer at it. Yeah!!!! We can pay back some of those wonderful people who helped us at our big race!!! 

That race is in Bluffton, SC. Bluffton, SC is not far from Savannah. It is also not far from Hilton Head Island. Hilton Head Island has a half marathon on the second weekend of February.

You're smart. All my readers and fans are, so you already know where this is going....

Kasha signed up to run HHI Half, and show up later during the all day race in Beaufort. This is where that "'s only a little bit farther!" got her into trouble.

3 out of 4 weekends have races. But that leaves one weekend open. Not open, but empty; according to Kasha. 

Enter The Daytona Beach Half Marathon. Wow! One time Kasha was there for a car show and she looked up at the track and thought about how happy she's be running in circles on it all day long! And here was a race that was gonna let her run in circles, and down toward the beach past the antique NASCAR autos, and through Victory Lane, and AWESOME! 

...she signed up as fast as I ran numbers for everything.

So February looks like this:
2/2 Tybee, GA
2/9 Hilton Head Island, SC
2/17 Daytona Beach, FL
2/24 Augusta, GA

And be sure to check out our Race Schedule & Results Chart. It's right over there ---->
If you're on your phone, go to the bottom of the page and click View Web Version. Then it'll be right over there. ----> 

And while you're at it, sign up for emails. All that means is that you sign up, confirm, and Kasha stops texting you updates, because new posts will go to your inbox! No spam and nothing else. Just these posts. :)

You know, she used to run 5ks every single weekend, so really she can probably do it. But don't tell her I said so, because our calendar has already snowballed. I don't wanna think about what's gonna happen when her confidence in running snowballs, too.


  1. I can't wait to hear about the one on February 24th! Keep up your posting Kiwi!

  2. I hope Kiwi likes running this much, too, or he may need to find a new owner by the end of February. Or at least likes coffee this much!!

  3. Have you seen races where no Kiwi (music) is allowed? I signed up for Myrtle Beach and the homepage says "The USATF has amended their ruling on headphones and ipods. For safety reasons, the Myrtle Beach Marathon does not permit running with headphones and ipods. " I don't think I can make it without my tunes. Any advice?

    1. Great question! we answered it in the next post. :)
