Monday, January 7, 2013

Kiwi Wants A Pet Dragon. Kasha Wants A Nap.

Happy new year, everyone! Let's recap:

December's race was the Jacksonville Bank Half Marathon.
The Saturday before, we headed to Jacksonville, about 3 hours away from home base. Packet pick up was a breeze & our hotel had clearly hosted this race many times in its 30 year history. They, the Embassy Suites; had welcome packets for runners with water bottles, protein bars, info on early breakfast and late checkout, & luggage holding for those who wanted it. Start line? They delivered us. Buses transported runners before & after the races. No parking issues. We got to the start line for a 7am start with temperatures already near 60.

Kiwi was on my arm, as in practice, and ready to go. 


And we're off!!

Miles 1, 2, 3.... All sub10s. I'd hoped for this, but seeing and feeling it were a different story.

Miles 4, 5, 6.... Same thing. Wow! Every mile marker had a clock, and every mile was coming in fast!

I was flying, just like in Athens! In the back of my mind, I knew there was a collapse coming. You can't run at 100% when you're coming down from a cold. But the louder I turned my music, the less I could hear that voice. At mile 8, the full marathoners headed off and out while we halvers headed back in. I checked Kiwi, who showed that I had slowed to a 10:15; and kept going. Mile 10, sick caught up with me. It took 3 tries before I could swallow any time I needed to and my throat hurt badly. A 5k to go, and I could still hit a 2:09 at this point. By mile 11, I hurt. My legs were okay, but my breathing, nose, and throat were quitting. I had tears in my eyes from nasal congestion. Again, less than a 5k.... Less than 2 miles! I checked Kiwi.

Then. Everything. Went. Wrong.