Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kasha Agrees to a Pet Plant. Kiwi Names It Dragon.

Around mile 12, the heat in and out of my body were a lot, but only a bitty baby mile-point-one to go! I pulled Kiwi off my arm to look at my pace. Could I hit that much coveted 2:09?

"Save workout?"


Kiwi's screen asked again.

"Save workout?"

I tapped Resume repeatedly, not realizing my balloon head and I had slowed to a walk.

Resume, resume, resume! Come on, Kiwi! I don't have a watch on! I NEED this split more than any other! I NEED my actual speed RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

....after an eternity, "Workout saved."

If Kiwi were human, I would have screamed.

If Kiwi were not a very expensive piece of equipment, who sometimes writes this blog when I don't feel like it; I would have thrown him on the ground.

If Kiwi were not, well, Kiwi, I would have lost it.

But Kiwi is a "fone." And really, it wasn't his fault. The humidity from the air (and from the Kasha!), were making his touch pad, well, touch-not. I wanted to start a second workout that would just be 1.1 miles, but it wouldn't go fast enough. I had to start running again and just make it count.

Through one more neighborhood and across the football field onto the track. I wiped the tears away, not from upset; but from head congestion, and picked off two more runners crossing the grass, which I think was due solely to running on the side of the road with clients. Onto the track and FAST. The clock says 2:14:something. No!!!! I wanted a sub2:14!

That's okay. I find out later I hit a 2:14:17 and really, I can't be upset. A new PR with both Kiwi and I sick.

I collect my medal (which is AWESOME) and drink some lemonade. After a few minutes, the lemonade says down (A valid concern for those of you who follow our adventures.) and after a few more minutes I stop shaking. I can see again.  I deem it safe to get back on the bus for the hotel. I look down at Kiwi and find out he is STILL calculating that 12 mile run he thought we completed.

...come to find out MapMyRun, the app we use; introduced Courses and Course Leaders recently. So while I'm upset about my last mile, Kiwi doesn't have a shot at getting back online to where I need him to be because the app has more or less hijacked him to congratulate me on my new Leader whatevers on 6 various Jacksonville courses.

...I'm not bitter.

She was bitter.

Hi Kiwi!

You didn't talk to me for the whole ride to Savannah. And you didn't let me run with you in the case. Or at all. And you didn't let me go to Wormsloe.

I know. I was mad and it really wasn't your fault. The case was made of scuba material, which didn't help your touch screen, and the app messed up.

Is that why I get a pet dragon?

Yes. But "Dragon" will be a plant.

Can he breathe fire?

Only if you forget to brush his teeth.




I still think you did good at Jax Half.

Thanks, Kiwi. Should we tell them about this weekend's race?

And Wormsloe.

And Wormsloe.

Up next, Kasha runs the trails of Wormsloe and a 50k.

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