Monday, January 28, 2013

Senator Kiwi Changes Plans, part 1

Hi there. 

I'm Kiwi.

I'm Kasha's phone. 

My whole name is Kiwi Fone Taper. But everyone calls me Kiwi, except when I'm in trouble, then Kasha calls me KIWI!!!!!

Today, this is my blog. I left Kasha with Aidan. ...that's the little boy from the Thanksgiving post. They're gonna do horrible stuff like homework and clean up and drink coffee. Well, Kasha drinks coffee. Aidan drinks juice. But they get along well and when Kasha doesn't help too much, Aidan gets really good grades on his homework.

You know it's me, cause I told you so; but also, I use the italics. Kasha uses regular letters. Around here, this is important, cause you gotta know who is doing the crazy. Well, the typing.

We talk a lot about running. And racing. And this year; not 2013, but 29 (Kasha's year 29); we decided to run a race every month. It went Half, Full, Half, Full, with marathons. That started in October. But then it snowballed. You know what that is?

...means it got bigger. LOTS bigger.

See, we did this:
-October Athens Half Marathon 
-November Savannah Marathon
-December Jacksonville Half Marathon.

Then Kasha got all "I'm gonna run an Ultra marathon." This is when she signed up. And this is where she actually didn't die doing it.

That was January. 

Wait! We're still in January! 

But Kasha is a "planner." Know what that is? It's someone who signs up for crazy things wayyyyy early so she has lots of time to plan her funeral. 

Funeral has "fun" in it. My cousin NuBlu taught me that.

So if we went back to The Plan, February would be a half marathon. That's easy! Tybee Critz Run Fest is our hometown half! She signed up for that a billion years ago (like October). Then March would be a full. And it is! March 17th we will run away from Savannah's St. Patrick's Party and go to Atlanta to see Kasha's friends Mel & Rob and run the Georgia Marathon.

But that would be so simple. And "planners" make things complicated with their lists and their ideas and their.... planning.

Kasha decided Tybee on the first weekend of February and Georgia Marathon halfway through March were too far apart. Now, I agree- it doesn't take a lot for Kasha to get weird. 

...she's got me. A phone who talks and blogs and tweets (thekashashow) and I got some pet plants (Dragon and Theodore) and a cousin. And now I got 2 hedgehogs and my own pillow and blanket, and I'm a phone!

And I'm probably just the icing on that cake of crazy, but Kasha NEEDS to run. It really is her thing. Addiction; depending on who you ask. ...if you ask me, she passed addiction a long time ago. 

So she added a race. The last weekend of February is the Augusta Half. We can visit one of her best friends, Erin; right before Erin finishes med school at MCG (GRU). 

Perfect! That should be enough to keep Kasha happy, right?

If you answered "yes" you don't understand the level of crazy I put up with around here.

If you answered "no" go ahead and make some coffee. You earned it.

I'll finish up later. 



  1. What kind of 6 layer cake from Boll Weevil's in Augusta does Kiwi want after the Augusta race?

  2. Good question! I'll have him look up his options when he wakes up from his nap.
