Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kasha Runs Wormsloe and Kiwi Packs for R2T

This past Saturday was the Nonstop Fitness Nonstopathon with a trail run through Wormsloe Plantation, 5 or 10k; your choice. Nonstop, which Kiwi refers to as "gym-work" is where I train clients. It is home base, as in a place to run when it is raining and a place to shower post long, epic laps around nearby Isle of Hope and Lake Mayer.

As part of a full weekend of fitness events, the gym hosted runs through historic Wormsloe Plantation. one has hosted a race there. At all. Ever.

And as the first, It. Was. Awesome.

100+ runners showed up for an 8am start at the gym. With a rolling roadblock accompaniment down Skidaway, we headed for the plantation. I ran from the gym to the 5/10k split with Tracey. Tracey headed off to kick butt in the 5k while I set off to track down my other runner.

....I am possessive of MY runners. They show up early, work hard, do their homework, and give it their all. Their wins feel personal. I follow their races and show up to cheer. MY runners are worth it.

My other runner, Kylie, has been with us longer. He was there for The Big Crash (busted knee), he completed the Savannah Rock and Roll Half, and Color Vibe. Oh yes, Color Vibe in a bow tie.

...did I mention Tracey ran the Bridge Run in a tu-tu?

MY runners kick asphalt and look awesome doing it.


Sorry, Kiwi.

I headed off down the 10k trail and paced with a runner training for the Tybee Half for a few minutes. She's a strong runner and will do great. Then off to chase down Kylie. He had a solid head start on me and it took a mile to catch him. He swore (lied) that I wasn't annoying him, and I kept pace with him for the next 3.5 miles.

The view was spectacular. Crisp air through the trees right off the Moon River marsh. The sun was shining and the tide was in. I'd sworn off trail runs after my first awful one. The view alone at Wormsloe has put them back in my book of race possibilities.

The avenue of oaks leading in and out of Wormsloe was the site of the 5k race and the ending section for the 10k-ers. We could have gotten lost in the view and run up and down that path all day, but we headed out toward the gym.



That had to be wrong.... we weren't moving that slowly. We should be at a sub-hour with half a mile to go.

Maybe the course was long? ...we decided a course that pretty could be too long and kept running.

A tenth of a mile from the finish, Kylie's nephew was working to finish his 1st 5k. Kylie ran ahead and I ran backward, trying to be encouraging to a tired but determined 9 year old.

He finished not far behind his uncle and agreed to "practice" with me for next year.

I'm probably looking forward to that more than he is!

Tracey was finished and waiting on us.

Great! Both of MY runners were in, no injuries, and both had fun.

Award time!

....Tracey, 3rd in age group for 5k

...Kylie, 2nd in age group for 10k.

...Kasha, 1st place in Awesome for 100% of my runners coming in healthy, happy, and yeah- placing in their age groups!

You made that up.

I did not! They won! Look it up!

No! You made up your award. 

Nope. MY runners win, I win. Besides, I paced 2 different runners in 2 events at 2 different speeds. Doesn't that count for something?

I guess. But only a little something. Like ONE coffee.

That is SO a deal, Kiwi!

So will there be another Wormsloe run?

Oh yes, Kiwi. Most definitely. And you can come to that and the future Nonstop runs that fit into our race schedule.

Can I come on Saturday to The Big Race?

The Big Race.... yes.... because with a race 31 miles long, we may just have to blog from the middle of it.

Up next, Kasha (and Kiwi) run 31 miles (50k) this Saturday at Fort Pulaski and Rails to Trails.


  1. I called it, there were no worms anywhere on that run!

    1. They are too slow to see! Hahaha, just kidding :)

  2. Yay!!! The Big Race is coming!! Can't wait til the end. Probably not as much as Kasha & Kiwi...
