Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Why Do You Run?

Any runner can vouch:

You get brilliant ideas on the run.

These range from, "I'm gonna throw the best dog birthday ever!" and "This has GOT to be the best method for sock organization!" all the way to "Get the president on the phone! I've got the fiscal crisis solved!"

...it just happens.

So somewhere between miles 2-4 of the Augusta Half I began to ponder the following question.

Why Do I Run?

At the time (remember; miles 2-4 of a race) I came up with the following answers for why I run:

For the safety pins.

Because smelling this bad this frequently requires an excuse.

My toenails look better with bruises. Or just missing.

Driving 6 miles an hour upsets others on the road.

Because heroin is frowned upon.

Donald Trump changed his pin number. Again.

I consider cake pops a balanced breakfast.

As you can see, I went for the one line, quick answers, nothing deep. I'll leave that to you.

So readers, why do you run? And for those who don't; why not?

For the nonrunners, here's one of my favorites to get you started:

I might spill my drink.

Kiwi and I look forward to your reasons in the comment section. Humorous, serious, and in between all welcome!


  1. To not think about Heroin. Or any of the other stuff from the darker side of humanity I have to deal with during the day.

    To forget.

    To earn my Shield.

    To push myself.

    To feel at home.

  2. I don't run because I feel pulled too thin between work and school and other projects.

    But then I run when I know I need to.

    But then I don't run because damn, I'm sore.

    But then I run because it made me feel good all day.

    And then I kind of...lapse in between running and not running.

    But I'm trying to do better.

  3. I run for the therapy, for the quiet and solitude of the morning and the feel of the sun and the wind against my face, making me feel alive but at the same time fighting against my efforts to prove it.

    I run for my cholesterol, or to make me worry less about my cholesterol, as a sort of double whammy - more fitness, less stress.

    I run for the body heat that builds up and makes it that much more of a shock when I step under the cold shower and remind myself that it's okay to flinch, or to do the things that bring on the flinch.

    I started running because I wanted to change my life and feel a little less mediocre, to feel like I had accomplished something that I could clearly describe with my words and then build on with even greater accomplishments.

    But I haven't run lately because I'm a wimp when it comes to cold weather, and I feel like I have been more stressed since I stopped. And I'm itching to start running again.

  4. I don't run because:

    two knee surgeries means F that Sh*&

    contact sports are much more fun

    I've been told that when my fat jiggles that much it tends to put people in a trance

    why run when I can just play Nintendo's "Track & Field" http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/gizmodo/2009/06/nespowerpad-sideb.jpg

  5. My shirt says: I would exercise but I might spill my drink. ( it has a martini glass on it!) love Nu Blu

  6. I run because...

    It makes me forget the crazy and stress of the day.

    I sleep better.

    I like steak, potatoes and chocolate chip cookies a lot and being in a bathing suit more.

    Kasha made it sound fun and made me believe that I could make it past 1 mile. (Now I'm doing 8! 5 more to go!)

    - Double E
