Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Welcome to Kiwi's Dictionary!

These are words. And other stuff. But I made them clarified for people who aren't me. 

Here you go! 


AnAcaciaTree- this is how you say Kasha's name. Like the tree. Kay-sh(uh). It is also the online branch (branch! tree! ahahaha) of TheKashaShow Productions.

Cert- cert'ed, certification. Either a course that has been checked for distance, or Kasha's personal training cert. She is a Certified Fitness Trainer.

Chomp- a running food, usually square, the consistency of a gummy bear.

Client- people Kasha trains in the gym or runs with. 

Coffee- coffee-time, Kasha usually drinks this cold, for caffeine. She also drinks hot chocolate a lot. But a lot of our stories are at Starbucks cause we go there a lot. And a LOT of Kasha's treats are coffee. Remember from the first line in our first post, this is a story about coffee.

Comments- we love them, because then we know you only think we are a little awful. 

Corrals- starting sections by speed. This helps line up racers so no one gets run over or runs over another racer not moving at their speed. Not all events have a corral start. 

Dopi- Kasha's music shuffle. ...spell ipod backward. 

Electrolyte imbalance- when you run, you sweat. This takes salt and water out of you. But you drink water and that puts the water back inside you. Then there's not enough salt. That makes other things imbalanced as well. This makes cramping, throwing up, etc. 

Email- you can follow us through email. Go sign up -----> over there. It's easy, cause I made it. 

Endorphins- addictive chemicals produced by the body during exercise. Kasha is an endorphin addict. That should be a word. Endorphin plus dope.... endo-doper... endoper! ENDOPER!!!

Facebook- Kasha does not have a profile, but she has a page. That's like what businesses and community have. ...cause I made it.

Fans- what I have lots of, cause I'm awesome. What Kasha has none of, cause all the cool people are busy loving me!

Fast- this is relative. To some, it is a 5 minute mile. To others it is a 5 hour marathon. Fast is feeling the wind and knowing you're giving it all you have in any single moment. A great runner knows how personal "fast" is and never looks down on anyone else's Fast. 

5k- a race covering 5k/3.1 miles.

Fleet Feet Savannah- Kasha's shoe store. Also Kasha's gu store, sale shirts store, and info gathering store. If you have a running question, they have the answer. 

Flying- the ultimate Fast. A lot of Kasha's races involve periods of flying.

Fone- how I spell "phone" sometimes. 

Full- full distance marathon 26.2 miles/ 42k

GPS- global positioning system. Some watches have GPS. I have GPS. But Kasha learned to run without it, so she doesn't use it too much. 

Gu- this is a brand of gel. Gel is a substance the consistency of toothpaste with about 100 calories of carbs for eating while running. Kasha says gu when she means gel.

Gym-work, Kasha-work- the place where Kasha traina clients. Also known as Nonstop Fitness in Sandfly.

Half- half marathon 13.1 miles/ 21k

Halver(s)- the people running a half.

Handheld- around here, this means the hand-held water bottle Kasha wears. You can see it in pictures, attached to the outside of her right hand. Kasha is left-handed, so watch and water go on the less useful side.

Help- what I do for Kasha. What Ultra crew does. What readers do. Anyone can run. No help needed. but when you turn it into an enterprise, you will fail without Help.

Hill- to Kasha, this is even the slightest increase in altitude. Like, if she can see a slight "up" it is a hill. She is from a swamp. On an island. Islands are sea level and swamps are flat and hot, but never hilly. However, she has the ability to run them pretty well. We don't know why. That just goes in the luck column. Kasha calls bridges "hills" sometimes. 

Home Base- a collection of places Kasha calls home. Skidaway Island is where she sleeps most nights, out of The Landings and inside The Landings. Sandfly is where she trains clients. Savannah is where she gets... stuff... it's the city. Home Base is this conglomeration. 

TheKashaShow- This. This whole endeavour is TheKashaShow. I run it, Kasha "runs" it. Ahahahahahah! I'm so great. How did she do this without me?? 

Kasha- she runs a lot. She drinks coffee. She writes the blog and trains clients. She also reads and makes crafts and is pretty good at kindergarten homework. She speaks Spanish and sign language and one time she decided to run a marathon every month for a year...

Kiwi, KIWI, Kiwi Taper, Kiwi Fone- I am Kiwi! I am Kasha's phone. I use the italics. Sometimes I write whole blogs, sometimes I help, sometimes I am in time out. 

LOVE KIWI- Kiwi's (my) sign off.

Month of Many Mini Marathons- February 2013. A half marathon every weekend. 

Nu Blu- my cousin. Kasha has a lot of sisters. One of them, Tiffany, has a phone. His name is Nu Blu Pritty Fone. ....he was new and blue and pretty when we got him. I helped name him. Can you tell?

Pace- also called speed, how fast you're going. This can be a treadmill setting. Ex: 6 miles per hour. This can be pace per mile. Ex: a 9 minute mile.

Pacer- a friend, runner, other racer who keeps you moving at a particular speed. This helps the runner use less energy and focus on the run. Kasha likes to pace for others and have others pace for her. Both are great.

Packet Pickup- the day and place you go get your race bib (number), shirt, etc. Usually the day before a race, sometimes immediately before an event.

Portapotty- bathrooms set up at races and sometimes along the course. Kasha has a love/hate relationship with these. All runners do.

PR- Personal Record, a best time in an event. Called PB, personal best (that means peanut butter to Kasha) in other places, it is a celebration no matter what you call it. 

Salt- what distance runners often need more of. What the average American usually needs less of. 

Sharks- things in the ocean that try to eat you while you try to tri. Also called "seaweed."

Split/splits- breaking (splitting) a run or race down into kilos or miles to see how each one went. Were they even, did you speed up, etc. 

Sub- under anything. A sub-10 is a mile faster than 10 minutes. A sub-2 half is a half marathon under 2 hours.

Race- an event. Anything from "I'll do this cause I feel like it." to "I'm gonna train for years and have the perfect race." Racing can be expensive with travel, entry fees, clothing, gear, etc. See "Run" for alt explanation.

Race Day- what Kasha lives for.

Recovery- period of time when you body comes back from the latest endeavor. Kasha sleeps very hard over the next 36-48 hours anytime she feels tired, and that keeps her at a very limited recovery period. 

Run- one foot in front of the other, with the two not touching ground at the same time. Nothing needed. No shoes, no music, this is the least expensive sport out there. Period. (See Race for alt explanation.)

Running Food- anything eaten while running. Gu, chomps, etc.

10k- a race covering 10k/6.2 miles

Taper- running a little or a lot less to be ready for a race. We have Taper Week and Taper Day. For distances 13.1 miles and under we only use a Taper Day now. But the drop off of endorphins can be very obvious in Kasha. Fast talking, shaking, crying even. This is a literal drug withdrawal. We know this and plan our day to only be around people we need to. ...even the kids she babysits know Taper Day is Kasha-is-weird-cause-she's-excited-and-didn't-get-to-run-today.

Temperature- Kasha's current home base is in Georgia, United States. That means we use Fahrenheit  for our temperatures. But we have a lot of readers from other parts of the world (thank you!) and we are gonna get better about writing both temps, because when Kasha says "it was 42 and freezing!" That sounds like crazy to people who live where 42 is death-hot.  (For our US readers= in Celsius just remember, 30's hot, 20's nice, 10 is cold, 0's ice.) We love our readers and want to write clearly. Well, clearly as a Fone and a runner can....

Trail run- dirt, gravel, shell. Not concrete or asphalt. An unpaved surface.

Tri/triathlon- an event consisting of 3 sports, most frequently swim, bike, run; of varying distances.

Triathloony- a person who does tris.

Tri-day- the day of the triathlon. 

Twitter- I signed up for Twitter and didn't tell Kasha. It was funny. We're at TheKashaShow. Come find us!

Ultra- ultra marathon, a running event lasting longer than 26.2 miles. Usually starting at 31 miles/50k or a timed race, such as 6, 12, 24 hours with the winner being the one covering the most mileage.

Ultra Crew- a person or group that helps an individual runner during an ultra marathon. They prep food, water, bike along, etc. ....We've even had ultra crews for 5ks. 

Water stop, water station, aid station- water, gel, and/or medical help depending on the distance and duration of a race. Coming in for a landing at a water station, always make eye contact with the person holding it out and reach out your hand. If you can't manage "thank you," manage that eye-contact-head-nod. Because the person handing you water is a VOLUNTEER. They are either skipping their weekend run or got up early TO HAND YOU WATER. They are "helpers." ....and races don't happen without Helpers!

What We Planned- to run a half or full marathon every month for the year that Kasha is 29.

What Happened- We're halfway through month 5 and we've run one marathon, one ultra marathon, and 4 halves. We started a blog as a journal, but now we're at 2250 page views and hearing such great feedback.

What We're Gonna Do Next- Just keep running, just keep blogging, just see what the next mile brings. Thank you so much for being a part of this endeavour. 



  1. Oh Kiwi! Has Kasha read this yet?

    1. No...but I got a great big coffee ready for when she does! I even drew a smiley face on the cup. LOVE KIWI

  2. I love your definition of fast Kiwi!
