Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Dark Side Of The Race

Recently, Kiwi and I volunteered at a race event. It featured multiple distances and staggered start times. Instead of being out on the course, we helped with set up, registration check in, lost and found, packet pick up, gear exchange, and take-down afterward. We've always been grateful to the people who make our events possible, especially when the cold weather makes it easier to run than to be stationary.

But you know what?

We hated it.

It was miserable.

The weather was okay, and so were 90% of the thousand-or-so athletes. The other 10%? They were awful.

Example 1:
K: Hi! 5k?
I need a bib.
K: Yes. For the 5k?
Yes, I just need the bib.
K: Are you registered?
I need a bib.

...Guess what, idiot? A lot of people needed bibs. Some were registered, some were signing up that day. You were the only one who didn't seem to be able to make the distinction.

Example 2:

K: ID, please.
I don't have one.
K: You need a photo ID or facebook or email. Some way for me to see that your name matches you.
(Athlete leaves then returns)
K: ID?
No... but I have my car registration. you often drive around without your legally required photo ID? Smart one.

Example 3:

K: Hi! What size (are you hoping we have left)?
K: I have a men's small and a women's large. I suggest the men's small. It's comparable to the women's medium.

...Athlete then spends 7 minutes comparing all three shirts, trying them on, and generally holding up the line of others hoping to exchange. By the time she asked me, "Which one do you think looks best?" All I could think was "Any of them, you jerk! Go away!"

So not a very fun experience.

What do you think, Kiwi?
Wanna do it again.
 What? Why? I didn't like that at all!
Try 'gain, Kasha. With coffee. Didn't have any coffees.
Oh. Yeah. That's actually a really good point.
I know. Got 20/20 hindsights.
Is that like "hindsight is 20/20?"
I dunno. But I gots it! And I signed us up to do it again!!!

Oh. Suppose that settles that. Thanks, Kiwi.

Anytime, Kasha!

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