Friday, April 12, 2013

KIWI Fixes The Broken Year.

Is Kiwi.

Last night, Kasha slept from 7pm to 5:30am. She has been very busy. For 2 weeks she was animal sitting (3 houses, 8 dogs, 4 cats, a bunny, and some fish) and for 2 weeks her gym-work started a new program for people to lose weight. Kasha is teaching 2 extra classes, has measured 40 people, and has her regular clients and regular kids. Today she burst into tears over a piece of mail. And it is not even taper week!

So I will do the blog.

Mine are better anyway. 

Last race was Georgia Marathon and it was really hard. Kasha struggled and was upset she couldn't find a May race and wanted to figure stuff out. So we did. We maked a plan.

We maked this:

Run, run run! We will run. We can do this. We just have to keep being creative. Running is not creative. So all of our brains can work on this. 


We're gonna do a virtual race. 

Jersey Rising is a concert benefiting the rebuilding of the Jersey shore after the hurricane. For The Love Of The Run (who Kasha found on Twitter) is organizing a virtual race to help. You sign up. You run before a certain date WHERE EVER YOU ARE! You turn in your time. You get your medal in the mail. Yeah! Kasha will run a marathon distance the first weekend of May. She has already printed out her bib and is very excited. She would run it right now, but needs it to be her May race. 

That is our May plan.

At the end of this month, me an' Kasha an' her sister Tiffany an' my cousin Nu Blu go to North Myrtle Beach. The Diva Half Marathon Series will take place there. Kasha will run the half marathon. Tiffany will walk the 5k. Tiffany does not run. Except away from rats. And to peanut butter cups. I bet she could run really fast if a rat was behind her and a peanut butter cup was in front of her! So at mile 2 for Tiff and 12 for Kasha there is a boa/tiara station. And at the finish line you get a medal and champagne from a firefighter. Kasha dated a firefighter. He couldn't keep up with her. But Tiffany figures she can kill the hour she has to wait for Kasha by accidentally spilling champagne on the firefighters. 

So that is April race.

We found races for June and August and will stay with Mel & Rob again. (We like it there.) I fixed it. I fixed the broken year and now we can add Virtual Race and Women's Race to our year. So exciting! 

I am going to take a nap. Then I will work on July race and work on fixing Kasha. will be a long nap.



  1. Good job kiwi! I'm glad you could fix all of the problems! You should get a pink sparkly case for the Diva run!

    - Double E and Biggs!

  2. Well it looks as though Kiwi has things under control!

  3. Great job kiwi. Looking forward to reading more.
